Whether you’re just starting out or have amateur piano skills, you’d be surprised how you can improve with the help of a few tools. You’re living in the age of the IT revolution where EdTech continues to make new innovative apps to help people learn new skills.
Often, motivation is not enough to hone your skills. Instead, the best thing would be to get all the help you can from intuitive, resourceful, and interactive tools. It is amazing how you can improve your listening skills and playing skills with a handful of online tools.
From music tracking apps to backing tracks to audio recording apps, you will find no shortage of tools and resources. However, it is essential for enthusiastic piano learners to use an AI-based app that can tailor your difficulty level and help you learn at your own pace.
Why You Should Make the Most Out of a Software
Piano learning apps are more compact, interactive and offer a sense of comfort that you ordinarily cannot have in a traditional in-person class. Furthermore, online piano learning programs are more fun and rewarding.
Realistically, the last thing you should do is to limit your creative potential under stress. You can always seek help from dedicated professional support from a piano learning app.
You can choose your own pace to learn and improve a skill without spending thousands of dollars on a professional pianist. The graphical representation is another invaluable aspect of online tools. Often, learners view learning and improving piano skills as an exam.
- Skoove
Despite the piano skill you want to improvise, you should use an all-in-one AI learning app like Skoove. If your foundation is strong, you can refine your piano skills more comfortably. It is entirely up to you how you schedule your online piano lessons.
The good news is that the Skoove comes with a treasure trove of features and resources that would make you want to learn more. Plus, the flexibility and adaptability of the AI-based app is all-around brilliant.
- Modacity
Modacity is undeniably the most famous and useful practice tracker. However, many learners use the Modacity app as a note-taker and audio recorder. It is an easy-to-use app with an organized structure of layout.
You can practice and make more customizations along the way to improve your performance. You can review your progress through statistical data. Modacrity’s free version has all the features you will need, but the premium version comes with an added chat feature to receive specialized feedback from professional musicians.
- Music Journal Pro
Music Journal Pro is another useful tool for piano learners to improve their skills. The app is only available on Apple devices that can even influence Android users to switch to the iOS ecosystem.
In essence, Music Journal Pro generates bar graphs that help you find the total minutes you practiced a scale or song. You can show the exported graphs to a professional instructor via email to learn more about your progress.
Music Journal Pro also comes with tempo adjustment and metronome features to slow down a song at a specific rhythm. The app can track BMP (beats per minute), which makes it easier to track your progress on the BPM chart.
- Music Tutor
Unlike others, Music Tutor does not have a price tag. In fact, the app is available on iOS and Android devices. When it comes to sight-reading skills, Music Tutor provides fast and accurate drills. You can adjust the notes’ range and practice however you want.
Music Tutor also offers feedback about your response time and accuracy for 5-10 minutes sessions. You can use a connected MIDI controller or virtual keyboard to enter the notes. Many piano enthusiasts use Music Tutor for ear training by playing endless notes. However, users have the freedom to turn this feature off to avoid distraction.
- Tenuto
If you want a reliable ear training tool from professional developers, Tenuto should be your first choice. The iOS-based app is not even $4 and has the best user-interface and features you can find in the online marketplace.
For instance, you can visualize chords through a virtual keyboard and practice various exercises offline. You can take the ear training app to a local remote park to make each session count. The integrated exercises are customizable and allow you to practice essential scales and signatures. You can add a specific time limit to your lesson through Tenuto’s “Challenge Mode” and break your highest score.
- Notion
Many professional piano players use and depend on notation tools. Today, you use customizable notation software like Notion on iPad and iPhone. You can use the drag-and-drop or handwriting method to input notes on the virtual keyboard.
Typically, the desktop-based notation tools have more extensive features. However, Notion is robust and simple enough to make notation part of your learning process. It is ideal to note down new ideas and brief musical phrases. Notion’s playback engine and sound quality are impeccable. You can compose a short piano tune, hear it on the playback, and then improvise it.

Practice Makes Perfectionists
Whether it’s scales, chords, or cadence patterns, you need to practice to refine your current piano skills. In fact, scales and chords will help you understand the technical aspects of a piano tune. Similarly, learning different kinds of cadences in each key will help you play in alignment with the lead voice.
When it comes to sight-reading challenges, choose something that may be difficult for your skill level. Throughout your practice, focus on the articulation of each note. Pay attention to how a note detaches, connects, and extents. Ultimately, emphasize the information as if you were a professional pianist.
Wrap Up
Piano learners often decide to improve their piano skills after years of continuous practice. However, how much time it can take to improve a specific set of skills is subjective. Still, you can utilize these tools and form specific piano learning and playing methods. Your creative ingenuity, however, will be at the center to develop piano skills to the next level. You are, after all, your own best teacher.